When it comes to leadership, no church can afford to hang a sign on its front door announcing, “NO HELP WANTED!” (Howard G. Hendricks)

Every church longs for good leadership—men and women of sterling character and cutting-edge competency, motivated not by self-interest but by self-sacrifice, leaders who model the Lord Jesus—lead pastors, associate pastors, staff personnel, elder, deacons, and ministry leaders.

Unfortunately, many hesitate to receive a church leadership baton. Plenty of openings, but fewer and fewer candidates. The problem is not that new:

“I searched for a man among them who should stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found no one.” (Ezekiel 22:30)

Without good leadership—confusion replaces vision, dreams diminish, dedication wanes, morale erodes, enthusiasm fades, cynicism and criticism poison the atmosphere. Sooner or later the whole organization grinds to a halt.

Paul wrote to Timothy that if one desired (strong word) to be a leader in God's church, it's a noble thing they desire. (1 Timothy 3:1) Though many look down on church leadership today, it's quite noble in God’s eyes, even dignified to be a church leader. It's one of the best things you could ever become.

Observe how God views His church (1 Timothy 3:15).  It's:

  • the household of God, suggesting the warmth and intimacy of a family, a family gathered together, because God is family oriented.
  • the church of the living God, suggesting excitement, power, and vitality because God Himself is at the heart of life. The worst thing a church could be beside dead is boring.
  • the pillar and support of the truth, suggesting the church upholds and dispenses the truth. One of the reasons the church is in existence is to introduce truth back into a world saturated with error and fantasy, a world living in make-believe.


What an honor to be a leader in God’s supernatural body who, as a leader, can impact people of all ages at the deepest levels of their life, who can live out the in-living Christ before others, who can see lives changed, who can love, respect, value, challenge, inspire, disciple, and counsel those in God’s flock for His glory and by His grace. And, when leaders serve with the right heart, greatness is attached. (Mark 10:43, 44)